In brief
On 2 February 2022, the official newspaper El Peruano published Ordinance No. 2431-2022 of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima ("Ordinance") amending Ordinance No. 203 and No. 2200. The Ordinance requires public service companies to submit to the corresponding district municipality their annual program of works on public roads on the first week of December each year with an update every three months.
In depth
Prior to this Ordinance, companies were required to submit their work program by 31 October each year and to update the work program quarterly. With the Ordinance's amendment of certain provisions of Ordinance No. 203 (articles 23, 25 and 26) regulating the execution of works in areas of public domain, all public and/or private companies that provide public electricity, sanitation, telephone, internet, cable TV and natural gas services must now present their annual program of works on public roads for the following year on the first week of December.
Public utilities companies must also update the program every three months and to submit investment and/or work plans, approved by the sector ministry or the regulatory body.
The program must contain the maintenance, expansion or construction works of its networks, for which the company must present the comprehensive georeferenced plans, in physical and digital native DWG format. Existing networks and expansion projections should be included, and the timing for planned interventions should be identified in a schedule.
The information submitted by public and/or private companies of public services will be found in a georeferenced digital platform that will be available to the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima and the respective district municipalities.
Finally, the Ordinance incorporated in the Table of Infractions and Administrative Sanctions contained in Ordinance No. 2200 the following infraction in relation to the presentation and updating of the annual work program:
Offense | Fine |
Not presenting the Annual Program of Execution of Works in the Areas of Public Domain or not updating it quarterly. | 1 Tax Unit |
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