The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations has extended the deadline to participate in the "Safe Company, Free of Violence and Discrimination against Women" certification process.
This certification recognizes companies with the best practices in terms of gender equality in employment and prevention of violence against women, and grants them benefits when contracting with Government.
Companies now have until 31 May 2024 to register and participate in the sixth edition of the certification process. With this new deadline, companies wishing to participate have two months to prepare their application for this new edition of the certification.
It is a certification issued by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations that recognizes companies that have implemented actions for the promotion of gender equality within their organizations, as well as in their communities.
The transversal application of a gender focus in the processes of the participating companies and their communities is evaluated, emphasizing the following points:
Recruitment without discrimination
Compliance with equal pay regulations
Prevention and action against sexual harassment
Compliance with breastfeeding regulations
Conciliation of work and family life
Maternity and paternity leave
Companies that pass the evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations and obtain a score of at least 60 out of 100 points may use the "Safe Company, Free of Violence and Discrimination against Women" certification for two years, which contributes to positioning of their brand as an employer.
In addition, they will receive an additional score in the evaluation of their bids in contracting processes with the Government.
If you require further information or support with preparing your application for this certification, please do not hesitate to contact us.