Since 2009, a concern for the environment and its main stakeholders led Estudio Echecopar to implement different strategies and programs in line with its corporate social responsibility policies.
Estudio Echecopar has an Eco-efficiency Program in place, as a result of the alliances built with different institutions related to the protection of the environment.
At the same time, as part of a joint initiative between the Firm and its collaborators, Estudio Echecopar has been striving to consolidate its Social Support Program, and for several years now, and on the occasion of the Christmas holidays it has organized activities that have filled over 200 children with joy, in the Huaycan area, to the east of Lima. Likewise, during the months preceding winter, we worked together with the NGO Sonrisas de Luz and with Caritas del Peru in support campaigns for cold waves to help the most remote communities of the Asillo district, in the province of Azangano, in Puno, where we sent donations of winter clothes and medicine for the people living there.