On 29 November 2023, the Executive Board of the National Superintendency of Higher University Education (SUNEDU for its acronym in Spanish) published Resolution N.º 033-2023, which establishes the maximum percentage of virtual credits allowed in in-person, blended and distance learning programs. This new regulation affects students and universities. Its most important aspects are detailed below.
Through this regulation, SUNEDU modifies the following articles of the "Provisions for the supply of university higher education services under blended and distance modalities": (i) 2.2° (in-person modality); (ii) 3.2° (blended modality); and (iii) 4.2° (distance modality). This includes establishing the maximum percentages of virtual credits allowed in all modalities. The objective is a more realistic distribution of academic credits based on the programs offered.
Modality | Percentage of virtual credits | Percentage of in-person credits |
In-person | Up to a maximum of 20% of the total credits. | At least 80% of the total credits. |
The academic programs offered in the in-person modality are structured teaching-learning processes that are designed and developed mainly for a physical environment specially conditioned for this purpose. Therefore, it is expected that virtual mechanisms may be used for up to 20% of the total credits of the academic program and mainly for theoretical or general studies subjects (not practical or specialization subjects). |
Blended | Up to a maximum of 60% of the total credits. | At least 40% of the total credits. |
The academic programs offered in the blended learning mode are structured teaching-learning processes that integrate specially conditioned physical environments and virtual learning environments that make use of materials, resources and methodologies particularly designed to achieve learning objectives. Therefore, the new regulation provides for the use of these technologies in up to 60% of the total credits of the academic program and mainly for theoretical subjects or general studies (not practical or specialization subjects). |
Distance/Not-in-person | Undergraduate: Up to a maximum of 80% of the total credits Postgraduate: Up to 100% of the total credits. | Undergraduate: At least 20% of total credits Postgraduate: No mandatory minimum of classroom credits. |
The academic programs offered under distance or not-in-person modality are structured teaching-learning processes that are designed and developed mainly for virtual learning environments that make use of materials, resources and methodologies particularly designed to achieve academic objectives. Under this modality, interactions between students and teachers are conducted remotely during all or most of the process. Therefore, the new regulation provides for the use of information technologies and virtual environments for up to 80% of the total credits for undergraduate programs (mainly for theoretical subjects and/or general studies, not practical or specialization subjects), up to 100% for graduate programs (mainly for theoretical subjects and/or general studies, not practical or specialization subjects) and up to 100% in postgraduate programs. |
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