Yvo Cuba

  • Biography

    Yvo Cuba has an extensive knowledge of litigation and dispute resolutions matters. In the last 19 years, he has advised local and foreign companies, and state-owned entities in judicial proceedings and arbitrations regarding civil law, tort law, commercial and contentious administrative law. He also has a vast experience in negotiation and prevention of conflicts, having successfully led complex conciliations and negotiations. He has been known for his several publications, included, Chamber and Partners, Legal 500 and Best Lawyer, as a leading lawyer in dispute resolutions.

  • Publications

    • El denominado "Desalojo Notarial": ¿Una solución al problema del arrendador?", published by Estudio Echecopar in the Newsletter N° 8 of Justicia en un Click (June, 2019).
    • "Nuevas barreras de acceso a la justicia", published by Estudio Echecopar in the Newsletter N° 7 of Justicia en un Click of (February, 2019).
    • "La verdadera reforma del Poder Judicial depende de sus jueces", published by Gestión journal in the Legal Agenda section (August, 2018).
    • "Desalojo notarial: ¿Una solución al problema del arrendador?, published by Gestión journal in the Legal Agenda section (June, 2018).
    • "El nuevo proyecto de reforma del Código Procesal Civil: Una importante tarea que nos compromete a todos", published by Gestión journal in the Legal Agenda section (May, 2018).
    • "Derechos del arrendador: ¿allanamiento anticipado?", published by Gestión journal in the Legal Agenda section (December, 2017).
    • "El precedente y su importancia en la búsqueda de una justicia de calidad en el sistema procesal civil peruano", published in the book "Constitución y Proceso" (ARA EDITORES, 2009).
  • Education

    • Harvard Law School. Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. Program on Negotiation: Strategies, Tools, & Skills for Success, June 2012.
    • Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Instituto Universitario de Investigacion Ortega y Gasset, Master in Economy, Law and Public Policies, Madrid, 2005 – 2006.
    • Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Law Degree, Lima, 1999. Suma cum laude.


    • Lima Bar Association, 1999.
  • Additional Information

    Teaching experience

    • Post-graduate professor of Procedural Law at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru-Law School (Since 2008).
    • Professor of Procedural Law at Universidad Pacifico Law School (Since 2015)
    • Post-graduated professor of Procedural Law at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) Law School (2007-2008).
    • Professor of Procedural Law at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Law School (2002-2005 / 2007-2011 / 2013-2019).
    • Professor of Procedural Law at Universidad de Lima Law School (2013-2014).
    • Professor of civil law and civil procedure II, Seminar at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Law School (2004-2005).
    • Professor Assistant of the procedure general theory course at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Law School (2001).
    • Co-director of the Research and Contents Commission of the Peruvian Magazine of Procedural Law, 1998.

    Experience as speaker

    • Speaker at “Domina el escenario: Estrategias del Litigio Arbitral”, a specialized course in arbitration organized by ADV EDITORES (June, 2019).
    • Speaker at "Seminario Internacional de Derecho Procesal: Proceso & Constitución organized by Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (April, 2019).
    • Speaker at "Seminario sobre Reformas al Codigo Procesal Civil" organized by FORSETI Law Magazine, Universidad del Pacifico Law Center (November,2018).
    • Speaker at "I Congreso Regional de Derecho" organized by Universidad Nacional Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion Law Center (July 2018).
    • Speaker at "Curso Especializado en Litigacion Oral" organized by Asociacion Civil Themis (June, 2017).
    • Speaker at "Seminario Internacional de Derecho Procesal: Proceso & Constitución" organized by Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (April, 2017).
    • Speaker at "Conversatorio sobre Criterios de identificación de conductas temerarias de los sujetos procesales y medidas preventivas y sancionatorias de los órganos Jurisdiccionales", organized by Lima Superior Court (June, 2016).
    • Speaker at "Primer Conversatorio Jurisprudencial-2014", organized by Lima Superior Court (October 2014).
    • Speaker at "Seminario Medidas Cautelares y Constitución: Problemas en su Concesión y Ejecución", organized by Lima Superior Court (July, 2014).