Romina Segura

Principal Associate
  • Biography

    Lawyer with training and experience in construction law as well as in the conduct of dispute resolution mechanisms. Romina advises companies, mainly construction companies or companies that develop construction projects, in matters related to the preparation and management of construction contracts, as well as in the prevention and resolution of disputes arising during the execution of the Contract, through dispute boards, conciliation, and/or arbitration, among other mechanisms. She is actively involved in advising on the management of construction and maintenance contracts by service level, as well as in national arbitrations in particular relating to construction contracts concluded with the State. Likewise, she has participated in advisory services for the structuring and execution of construction projects under FIDIC schemes in their various forms (Red, Yellow and Silver) and under other standard forms of contract. Her specialty in the use and management of dispute resolution mechanisms is reinforce by having participated in the administration and conduct of arbitration proceedings, among others.

  • Industries

    • Energy, Mining & Infrastructure - EMI
    • Industrials, Manufacturing & Transportation


    • Maestria en Direccion de la Construccion Lima 2018-02, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, noviembre de 2019.
    • Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia. Course of specialization of Works for Taxes. Lima, March to July 2018.
    • Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lawyer, Lima, 2013.
    • Postgraduate School of the Universidad del Pacifico and the AMCHAM-PERU Arbitration Center". II Diploma in National and International Arbitration, 2011.
    • Postgraduate School UPC. Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Law, 2010.


    • Lima Bar Association, 2014.


    • Peruvian Society of Construction Law, 2019.
  • Additional Information

    • Curso de Especializacion en Junta de Resolucion de Disputas en el sector construccion 2020-1, Centro de Analisis y Resolucion de Conflictos de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
    • Programa Especializado en Gestion Contratos Colaborativos, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, en curso. Culmina en el 2020.
    • 5° Congreso Internacional de Infraestructura y Desarrollo - CIID 2019, Lima, noviembre 2019.
    • III Congreso Nacional de Derecho de la Construccion CONDEC – Propuestas para el impulso de la construccion e infraestructura en el Peru, Lima, noviembre 2019.
    • III Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Construccion CONDEC – Colaboracion y Compliance, Lima, noviembre 2018.
    • Mayo Consultores Educacion Ejecutiva and LLV Consultores. Advanced Specialization Program: Strategic Management in Complex Construction Contracts, Lima, July 2018.
    • II Congreso Nacional de Derecho de la Construccion CONDEC - Contributions for a Transparent and Responsible Contractual Management, Lima, November 2017.
    • ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC Peru International Chamber of Commerce. ICC Peruvian Arbitration Day" Conference, Lima, September 2017.
    • "Peruvian Construction Association". Course-Workshop "Planning and Risk Management in Construction Projects and Adaptation to the Law of State Contracting", Lima, August 2017.
    • "International Federation of Consulting Engineers - FIDIC". FIDIC Course "Variation and Claims Management and Dispute Resolution", Lima, April 2016.
    • The Center for American and International Law. "53rd Annual Academy of American and International Law, Texas, June 2016.
    • I Congreso Nacional de Derecho de la Construccion CONDEC", Lima, August 2015.
    • LLV Consultores. Course-Workshop "Principles of Project Planning and Control", Lima, December 2015.
    • "International Federation of Consulting Engineers - FIDIC". FIDIC Course "Practical Use of FIDIC Contracts", Lima, July 2015.
    • Asociacion Peruana de Consultoria (APC) and Lambal Formacion". "1° Workshop on FIDIC Contracts", Lima, July 2015.
    • "Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. International Conference "Construction Dispute Resolution". May, 2013.
    • "Center of Continuing Education of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". I Advanced Specialization Course in State Contracting, Lima, April to September 2012.


    • Principal associate at Estudio Echecopar since 2020.
    • Associate at Estudio Echecopar Law firm since 2013.
    • Secretariat of the Centro de Analisis y Resolucion de Conflicto de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (2009-2011).