Javier Tovar has extensive experience in private investment and international private relationships. He has been Chairman in PROCAPITALES, CONASEV, special Committee for the Sale of State Shares in Capital Markets and INDECOPI’s Market Access Commission. He chaired the technical commission in charge of the preparation of the telecommunications opening guidelines, and the special committee for the privatization of ENTEL PERU and Compañia Peruana de Telefonos. Javier has also published several articles on matters of his specialty and has participated as speaker or panelist in seminars and forums.
Practice focus
Javier focuses his practice on private investment in infrastructure, concessions, telecommunications and capital market regulation. He has participated in many concession and public–private partnership processes, and in capital markets transactions, particularly structuring legal strategies and regulations to resolve regulatory and financial issues. He has also led several local and international public tenders for companies in different sectors.