Ines Vazquez

  • Biography

    Ines Vazquez has more than 15 years of experience in concessions, privatizations and utilities regulation, with emphasis on the electricity sector. She has a solid background in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and financing.

    Ines has handled several acquisition transactions and sale of companies, as well as assets and shares participations, including mergers, spin-offs, reorganizations and other structures, both domestic and international.

    Ines was head of Latin America Power's Legal Department for two years, during which she gained wide experience and was exposed to transactions in multiple jurisdictions. She has worked on privatization and concession procedures in the electric power sector for private clients, as well as in bidding processes of public services concessions in general. She also has experience in construction law, mainly in relation to power infrastructure. Additionally, Ines has contentious and non-contentious construction practice based on domestic and international arbitration, advising both private and state-owned companies.

    Several prestigious international publications, such as Chambers & Partners and Legal 500, recognize her work in the power law practice.

  • Experience

    Some of her most recent experience include:

    • Advising Consorcio Transmantaro S.A. during its first international green bond issuance for USD 400 million. This is the first international green bond issuance carried out by a Peruvian company (2019).
    • Advised Grupo Energia de Bogota on the democratization of 20% of its shares owned by the Capital District of Bogota (2018).
    • Advised Ashmore Group in the acquisition of two thermoelectric power plants operating under the Peruvian Cold Reserve legal regulation (2018).
    • Advised Pacific Hydro in due diligence in its attempt to acquire the Peruvian subsidiaries of Latin America Power Holding B.V., which included the review of five operating and developing power plants (2017).
    • Advised Constructora Andrade Gutierrez on the development of a hydroelectric power project in the Marañon River, including the extension of the temporary concession. It is estimated that the capacity of the project will exceed 400 MW (2017).
    • Advised the Republic of Peru on the first international investment dispute against the Republic of Peru that has been settled during the amicable settlement period before the initiation of the international investment arbitration before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) (2016).
      Shortlisted for Deal of the Year: Dispute – Latin Lawyer. (2017)
    • Advised on the private placement of Latin America Power Holding by Brazilian investment funds for USD 310 million (2013).
    • Advised on the acquisition of a wind farm Project called "Parque Eolico San Juan de Chañaral de Aceituno" (186MW), through the acquisition of a spin off company from Energy Focus S.A. (Chili, 2013).
  • Publications

    • Presentation before the Energy Trade Mission, organized by the Centre for Latin America Issues (CLAI) of the Embassy of the United States of America in Peru, April 2007.
    • "Notes on Vertical Integration in the Electricity Sector," published in the Revista Peruana de Derecho de la Empresa No. 62, December 2006.
    • "Peruvian Electricity Regulations: Service Interruptions and their Classification as Force Majeur," article written jointly with Maria del Carmen Tovar, commenting on the Directive on the Qualification of Force Majeur in the Electricity Sector. Published in the Latin America Energy Report in April 2004.
  • Industries

    • Energy, Mining & Infrastructure - EMI
    • Industrials, Manufacturing & Transportation


    • Specialization Course on the New Wholesale Energy Market, Universidad ESAN - Instituto de Regulacion y Finanzas. Lima, 2019.
    • Master of Science: Utilities Regulation, The London School of Economics and Political Science. London, 2007 – 2008.
    • Courses from the Diploma on Institutions and Regulation of Public Services, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima, 2004.
    • LLB, Universidad de Lima. Lima, 2003.


    • Lima Bar Association, 2003.


    • Executive Director, Revista Peruana de Derecho de la Empresa, 2005 - 2006.
  • Additional Information


    • Partner, Estudio Echecopar, July 2017 – present.
    • Principal Associate, Estudio Echecopar, March 2014 – June 2017.
    • Regional General Counsel, Latin America Power S.A., October 2011 – October 2013.
    • Senior Associate, Estudio Echecopar, January 2009 – September 2011.
    • Associate, Estudio Echecopar, January 2003 – December 2008.

    Teaching experience

    • Course on Mining and Energy Law, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (2018, 2019, 2020).
    • Teaching Assistant – Mining and Energy Law course, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (2011, 2014, 2015).
    • Course on Electricity Regulation within the– Specialization Diploma, National Academy of Magistracy (2014, 2015).