Coach of the Universidad del Pacifico sports arbitration team that participates in the Sports Arbitration Moot (SAM), International Football Arbitration Moot (IFAM) and Sports Law Arbitration Moot (SLAM), 2023-2025.
Professor of "Sports Arbitration" in Specialized Course in International Arbitration organized by Arbanza, 2021-2022.
Assistant Professor of "Integration Seminar in General Theory of Law” at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 2017
Assistant Professor of "Special Seminar: Legal Dexterity” at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 2017
Assistant Professor of "Effective Legal Communication” at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 2016
Monitor of "Civil and Commercial Contracts" at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 2015.
Researcher and founder of the "International Arbitration Research Group - ANI" at the Universidad Nacional Colombia, 2013-2014.
"Sports Jurisprudence, reality or chimera: analysis of cases before CAS", ARBITRI - PUCP, 2024.
"Seminar on Sports Arbitration: Arbitration before CAS and Disputes at the Olympics", CAM-CANACO, Mexico, 2024.
"Annulment of Arbitral Awards", Latin American Arbitration Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2024.
"Fundamentals of Investment Arbitration", University of Lima, Lima, 2023.
"From the fields to the Court: The FIFA World Cup in the TAS awards", LVYAP/COLVYAP, 2022.
"No arbitrator is an island: The independence and impartiality of arbitrator", ICC YAF, 2022.
"International Vision of Peruvian Arbitration from young arbitrators", La Libertad Bar Association, 2022.
"I Specialization Course in Arbitration", Observatory of Law, Economics and Management, 2021.
"Protection against arbitration awards", Arbitration Studies Group, Lima,2020.
"Monism versus Dualism", by Very Young Arbitration Practitioners, Santiago, 2019.
"Workshop: Arbitration Practice from the Perspective of the Arbitrator and of the Lawyer", Conciliation and Arbitration Center of Panama, Panama, 2019.
"Modern Software - The technological tools at reach", Congress of the Latin American Network of Young People in Arbitration Associations, Lima, 2019
"Arbitration and Electronic media", National Chamber of Trade, Services and Tourism (CANACO), Mexico City,2019.
"Procedural order negotiation simulation", Latin American Arbitration Association Conference, Asunción, 2019.
"Should there be constitutional control of the arbitral award?", Grupo de Estudios de Arbitraje, Lima, 2019.
"Effects of the constitutionalization of arbitration in Latin America”, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, 2019
"Age as a defect: Is there a bias in arbitrations against young lawyers and arbitrators?", Young People and the Future of Arbitration Conference, Peruvian Arbitration Institute, 2019.
"Challenges of the unilateral selection of co-arbitrators", Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, 2018.
"Benefits of the bifurcation of the procedure to resolve jurisdictional matters”, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 2018.
“When being an investor is not enough: prerequisites for investment arbitration”, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Cusco and Arbitration with the State Circle, Cusco, 2018.
"Should arbitrators be appointed by the President?” International Arbitration Seminar: Ring Arbitral, IUS ET VERITAS, PUCP and BFE, Lima, 2017.
"Determination of the International Character of Arbitration: Arbitrability and International Arbitration Agreement”, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 2017.
"The legal nature of the "arbitral agreement" in investment arbitration", Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, 2017