Estudio Echecopar, member firm of Baker Mckenzie International advised Banco Internacional del Perú S.A.A. – Interbank, as issuer, in connection with the registration of its (i) Fourth Subordinated Bonds Program for an outstanding principal amount of USD 300 million or its equivalente in Peruvian soles in the Securities Market Public Registry (Registro Público del Mercado de Valores), and (ii) the first issuance of subordinated bonds under such program for an outstanding principal amount of PEN 1,050 million.

The proceeds will be used to finance the issuer's banking activities. The registration of the Fourth Subordinated Bonds Program allows Interbank to make either public or private offerings of its subordinated bonds up to an outstanding amount of US$ 300 million or its PEN equivalent.


Partner Alonso Miranda and associates Adrian Tovar and Ana Paula Saavedra advised the issuer throughout the process.