On 6 January 2023, Law No. 31668 ("Law"), which approves the temporary reduction of the costs of acquiring imported inputs relevant to the national economy, was published.

The Law aims to reduce a percentage of transport and related expenses of 16 national subheadings to pre-pandemic levels, to contribute to a better management of inflationary expectations.

Some important considerations:

  • The Law came into force on 7 January 2023.
  • The reduction percentages for each tariff subheading will be determined by the Executive Branch, via supreme decree published 10 working days after the Law came into force, that is, on 17 January 2023.
  • From the date of entry into force of the aforementioned supreme decree, the reductions will take effect for a period of six months. This period may be extended if the circumstances that gave rise to it prevail over time.
  • The Peruvian government has decided to communicate the publication of the Law to the General Secretariat of the Andean Community, in compliance with Decision 894, which approved empowering member countries to temporarily reduce a certain percentage of transport expenses and/or related expenses included in the first paragraph of Article 6 of Decision 571 Customs Value of Imported Goods.

More detail of the excluded products below:

ItemSubheadingDescriptionRefers to
13102101000Urea for agricultural useNitrogenous fertilizers
23102210000Ammonium sulphate
33102300010Ammonium nitrate for agricultural use
41507100000Crude soybean oil, including degummedCrude soybean oil
52304000000Oilcakes and other solid residue from the extraction of soybean oil, including milled
61108110000Wheat starchWheat
71102900000Other cereal flour, except wheat or meslin
81109000000Wheat gluten, including dried
91103110000Wheat groats and semolina
101101000000Wheat or meslin flour
111103210000Wheat pellets
122302300000Brans, sharps and other residues from sifting, milling or other wheat treatments
141904300000Bulgur wheat
151001109000Durum wheat except for planting
161001101000Durum wheat for planting

We trust that this information will be useful to your company. Do not hesitate to contact us to request advice or make comments on the Law