The Peruvian government called for a public bid in order to grant the concessions for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following projects ("the Projects"):

Group N° 1


Transmission System

Remuneration scheme

  1. 500 kV San José-Yarabamba Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions.

Guaranteed Transmission System.

Facilities will be paid by users of the grid.

  1. 220 kV Piura Nueva – Colán Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions.

Guaranteed Transmission System.

Facilities will be paid by users of the grid.

  1. 220 kV Belaunde Terry – Tarapoto Norte (2 circuits) Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions.

Guaranteed Transmission System.

Facilities will be paid by users of the grid.

Group N° 2


Transmission System

Remuneration scheme

  1. 220 kV Lambayeque Norte Substation, segmentation of the 220 kV Chiclayo Oeste – La Niña/ Felam Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions.

Guaranteed Transmission System.

Facilities will be paid by users of the grid.

  1. 100 MVA 220/60/23 kV Piura Este Substation.

Complementary Transmission System.

Facilities will be paid by the area of demand.

The bid is aimed to national and international potential investors.

The concessions will be granted for a 30-year term, counted as of the commercial operation date of the Projects.

Find below a brief description of the Projects:

500 kV San José-Yarabamba Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions


This project will improve the operating conditions of the transmission system in the area of influence of the project.


Arequipa Region.

Estimated investment

USD 30.97 million.

220 kV Piura Nueva – Colán Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions


This project will increase the transmission capacity to meet the growth in demand in Paita (Piura Region), improving the operation of the 60 kV Piura-Paita-Sullana system.


Piura Region.

Estimated investment

USD 38.15 million.


220 kV Belaunde Terry – Tarapoto Norte (2 circuits) Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions


This project will improve the operating conditions of the transmission system in the power supply from the grid to San Martin Region.


San Martin Region.

Estimated investment

USD 40.01 million.


220 kV Lambayeque Norte Substation, segmentation of the 220 kV Chiclayo Oeste – La Niña/ Felam Transmission Line, associated substations and extensions


This project will increase the transformation capacity of the Chiclayo Oeste and Chiclayo Sur substations, to meet the growth in demand for the "Chiclayo" and "Chiclayo Baja Densidad" systems.


Lambayeque Region.

Estimated investment

USD 24.17 million.


100 MVA 220/60/23 kV Piura Este Substation


This project will increase the transformation capacity that allows the power supply to the Piura City in order to meet the growth in demand.


Piura Region.

Estimated investment

USD 5.74 million.


ProInversion will award these Projects by groups and the total estimated investment amount reaches USD 139.04 million.

The competition factor will be the lowest Total Service Cost. The Total Service Cost is comprised by the sum of the Annual Investment Cost, plus the Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost of each Project.

ProInversion expects to award the Projects in the third quarter of 2023.

We hope you will find this information useful. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you need further information on these Projects.

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