Supreme Decree No. 003-2022-MINCETUR ("Decree"), published on 8 April 2022, approved the sanctions applicable to the infractions provided for in Legislative Decree No. 1492 ("DL 1492"), the central objective of which is that all foreign trade procedures in Peru be 100% virtual as well as more transparent. DL 1492 approved provisions for the reactivation, continuity and efficiency of operations linked to the foreign trade logistics chain.
The Decree implemented the sanctions regime applicable to operators that do not comply with the electronic facilitation and transparency regulations for the logistics chain.
The following are the main provisions of the Decree.
I. Subjects affected
II. Main sanctions
Alleged Infringement | Reference | Offense degree | Penalty | Offender |
Not incorporating data exchange systems or alternative electronic mechanisms necessary for the validation of documents or information in its processes. | First letter a) of numeral 10.2 of Article 10 of DL 1492. | Major | Up to 10 tax units (UITs)
| Foreign trade operators:
Not implementing systems or other electronic mechanisms that facilitate the fulfillment of processes or procedures necessary for the entry or commercial authorization of delivery of goods, as appropriate. | Third letter a) of numeral 10.2 of Article 10 of DL 1492. | Major | Up to 10 UITs |
Requiring the presentation of a copy of or the original bill of lading or other additional documents required for entry or commercial authorization of delivery of goods, as appropriate. | Second letter b) of numeral 10.2 of Article 10 of DL 1492 | Minor | Up to seven UITs |
Not using electronic means to validate an agent's representation of the owner, consignee or consignor of goods. | Fourth letter a) of numeral 10.2 of Article 10 of DL 1492 | Minor | Up to seven UITs |
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