The National Superintendency of Tax Administration (SUNAT) has issued an informative note establishing how the payment method used must be verified in the customs import declaration, in accordance with the Law to Fight Tax Evasion and to Formalize of the Economy (Law No. 28194) and its regulations.
According to the payment method used (e.g., cash, credit, mixed, advance), certain information and supporting documentation must be provided, which will be verified by the customs officer when the goods are cleared.
If these requirements are not followed, SUNAT will sanction the importer with a fine equivalent to 30% of the declared FOB (Free On Board) value of the merchandise.
We believe that the control of this matter is illegal and contrary to Andean and WTO regulations, and it is thus creating greater contingencies in foreign trade operations (e.g., value adjustments, rejections of refunds for tariff preferences).
Therefore, it is important for companies to have adequate customs and logistics planning, taking care of the traceability of their operations.
If you would like more information on this matter and the event we will be organizing in the coming days, we invite you to register here.

We hope that this information will be of relevance to you and your company. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.