On 29 December 2024, Vice-Ministerial Resolution No. 356-2024-VMPCIC/MC, was published, approving the guide for the issuance of the Certificate of Absence of Archaeological Remains on Surface (CIRAS). It establishes the guidelines that administrators must follow to prepare and submit the technical file to obtain the CIRAS.
It should be recalled that the CIRAS is a document through which the Ministry of Culture certifies, at the request of a party, that there is no archaeological evidence on the surface of a given area.
The guide details the information that the descriptive report must contain (type of project, background, type of works), as well as the technical description of the project (areas, accesses, boundaries); it also includes the formats of the plans and maps.
The purpose of the guide is to standardize the evaluation of applications for the issuance of the CIRAS.
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