Law No. 32213 was published on 27 December 2024. Its main purpose is to regulate and extend the term of the comprehensive mining formalization process for small-scale and artisanal mining conducted by companies registered in the Comprehensive Mining Formalization Registry (REINFO).

The deadline for formalization has been extended until 30 June 2025, with the possibility of extending it for an additional six months by means of a supreme decree issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM). The purpose of this extension is to implement a transitory framework that will remain in place until the enactment of a new Small Mining and Artisanal Mining Law, which will repeal Law No. 32213.

Role of MINEM

MINEM is the governing body for the formalization of small-scale and artisanal mining. Its role includes creating and implementing the following:

  • The Interoperable System for Small-Scale and Artisanal Mining (SIPMMA).

  • The Single Window for Mining Formalization.

Creation of SIPMMA

The SIPMMA will be a tool to supervise the traceability of minerals, explosives, chemical inputs and controlled products used in small-scale and artisanal mining.

The following are among its main features:

  • Interoperability with systems such as the National System of Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA), the System of Mining Rights and Cadastre (SIDEMCAT), the Integrated System of Environmental Auditing (SIFA) and the Single Window System for Mining Formalization.

  • Use of GPS technology to control materials and operations.

  • Participation of entities such as the PNP, SUNAT, SUCAMEC, INGEMMET, RENIEC and UIF-Peru in their supervision.

Coordination with regional governments

The law reinforces the obligation of regional governments to coordinate with MINEM on the administrative and formalization actions in their jurisdictions.

Validity and regulation

The law became effective on 28 December 2024, and the executive branch has 30 working days to regulate it, that is, until 12 February 2025.

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We hope this information is of relevance to you and your company. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any advice in this regard.