On 20 June 2024, Ministerial Resolution No. 253-2024-MINEM was published, which approves the guidelines for preparing the Citizen Participation Plan (PPC) of the semi-detailed Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA-sd) of the electricity subsector ("Guidelines").
The PPC is the document through which the owner of an electricity activity describes the mechanisms for citizen participation that will be implemented prior to submitting the EIA-sd or its modification and during the evaluation of the same. To this end, before initiating the preparation of the EIA-sd or its modification, the owner must submit the PPC to the General Directorate of Environmental Affairs of Electricity for approval.
Among the main provisions of the Guidelines, we highlight the following:
They establish the minimum content for the preparation of the PPC of the EIA-sd and its modifications.
The minimum content of the PPC includes the following aspects:
- Objective of the projectThe PPCs must be modified when (i) the owner plans to vary the stakeholders and/or the approved mechanisms for citizen participation, or (ii) a change is foreseen that requires the citizen participation process to be adjusted.
If the PPC is modified, the content of the Guidelines described above is applicable.
You can find the text of the Guidelines here.
We hope that this information will be of relevance to you and your company. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.