In order to allow you to take knowledge of cases that may be of your interest, we provide herein a list of the most recently published notices in connection with the commencement of insolvency proceedings, calls to Creditors' Meetings and winding-up processes started out of the Bankruptcy System. The information provided herein corresponds to the one published in the electronic gazette (Boletín Concursal) of the bankruptcy authority (INDECOPI), or in the official bulletin (boletín oficial) of the Peruvian official gazette (diario El Peruano), as it corresponds*.

(*) Estudio Echecopar, Member Firm of Baker & McKenzie International assums no responsibility for the information contained in this document. The information provided herein must be verified with its official sources: the INDECOPI's electronic gazette, for the case of the initiated insolvency proceedings and calls to Creditors' Meetings; or the Peruvian official gazette, for the case of notices in conection with dissolution and liquidation processes.

1. Initiated Insolvency Proceedings*:


Type of Proceeding

Publication Date



(*) Pursuant to the Peruvian Bankruptcy Law, the creditors of debtors subject to ordinary insolvency proceedings or to preventive insolvency proceedings have 30 business days, from the day following the publication of the commencement of the proceeding, to file their claim registration request. Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 1511 and its Regulations, creditors of debtors subject to an Accelerated Refinancing Proceeding (PARC) have 10 business days from the day following the publication of the commencement of the proceeding, to file their claim registration request.

2. Calls to Creditors' Meeting*:


Publication Date

Meeting Date (in first call)

Alpha Pool Construcciones S.A.27 September 202415 October 2024
Ausa Aduanas S.A.27 September 202415 October 2024
GASODUCTO SUR PERUANO S.A.27 September 202417 October 2024

(*) In accordance with the Peruvian Bankruptcy Law, creditors with right to participate in sessions of a Creditors’ Meeting may register representatives ate least 2 business days in advance to the date of the meeting (in first call).

3. Winding-up processes out of the Bankruptcy System*:


Type of Notice

Publication Date


KEY CLUB S.A. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet27 September 2024Norma Polti Figallo
TRADEWIND INVEST S.A. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet27 September 2024Erick Valderrama Villalobos
MEJORA E INNOVACION EN TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACION S.A.C.Post Liquidation Balance Sheet27 September 2024Alejandro Masías Gonzales
3 GATOS PROJECTS S.A.C.Post Liquidation Balance Sheet27 September 2024Oscar Augusto Sumar Calmet
CONSTRUCCIONES INDUSTRIALES ANDES S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)27 September 2024Fernando Castro Palacín
EMPRESA FUNERARIA DOMINGUEZ EIRLWinding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)27 September 2024Geraldine Andrea Domínguez Vásquez
GRUPO OMEGA SERVICIOS GENERALES S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet27 September 2024Juvenal Fernando Guerra Sotelo
AVANTI PERU ON ICE S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet27 September 2024Jennifer Lizbeth Flores Huanca
ASOCIACION EDUCATIVA LUMINARIOWinding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)27 September 2024José Antonio Cueva Arce
CHILINA CONSULTING S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)28 September 2024Julio Alvaro Castro Lora
MARINKOVICH & ASOCIADOS S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)28 September 2024Consuelo María Suarez Claros
CRJ HORECA S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024Renzo Codarlupo Rivadeneira
NOVOMAX SAC EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024Julio Rubén Sandoval Seclén
MADERAS DE EXPORTACION S.A. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024Arturo Luis Huanca Mayta
SERGESA SERVICIOS GENERALES Y SANEAMIENTO S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)28 September 2024Jean Pierre Ñaupari Valladares
CAMBIANDO ESTILO S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024José B. Sarachaga Amaya
IMPORT YANELA S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024Abel Rata Huallparimachi
PULITA SAC EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024Jorge Fernando Reyes Agreda
IMPORTACIONES CARISI TOYS S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet28 September 2024Víctor R. Santiago Jiménez
EPTISA TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACION S.A.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)28 September 2024Héctor Aldea Martínez
CONSTRUCCIONES INDUSTRIALES  ANDES S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)28 September 2024Fernando Castro Palacín
QUALITY TEXTILE SOURCING S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)29 September 2024Karen Giovanna Muñoz Soberon
INMOBILIARIA TERMINALES TERRESTRES DEL SUR S.A.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)29 September 2024José David Peña Ugarte
GENERIC GROUP S.A.C.Winding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)29 September 2024Cecilia López Torres
VIDRIERIA 28 DE JULIO S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet30 September 2024Augusto Jesús Alvarez León
FARICENTRO EIRLWinding-up Agreement (initiation of liquidation)30 September 2024Juan Pablo Segundo Chávez Arroyo Chacaliaza
LIBRERÍA EL INCA SACPost Liquidation Balance Sheet30 September 2024Flavio Jhoel Santisteban Ynoñan
SERVISUEL S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet30 September 2024Edwin Raúl Tanta Lozano
CLINICA DEL SUDOR S.A.C. EN LIQUIDACIONPost Liquidation Balance Sheet30 September 2024Luis Antonio Angulo Ruzicanin

(*) In accordance with the General Corporations Law, the dissolution agreements are published for three consecutive days. This document only includes the first publication made in the official gazette.

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If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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