On 11 August, Ministerial Resolution No. 285-2022-MINEM/DM ("Resolution") was published. The Resolution approves the terms of reference for the elaboration of the annual environmental report, which every owner of companies involved in electrical activities is obliged to submit, in accordance with the obligations contained in the Regulation for Environmental Protection in Electrical Activities, approved by Supreme Decree No. 014-2019-EM.

Through this Resolution, the minimum content of the annual environmental report has been approved. It is important to consider the following:

  • The Annual Environmental Report must be submitted to the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA) by 31 March of each year; therefore, the approved model must be taken into account for the presentation of the Annual Environmental Report corresponding to the year 2022 and the following years.
  • The Annual Environmental Report must (i) describe the electrical activity for each controllable unit; (ii) indicate information on the applicable environmental monitoring (if it has been submitted separately to the OEFA, the file number of the submission must be indicated); (iii) present the matrix of compliance with environmental commitments approved in the corresponding environmental management instrument; and (iv) detail the information on the consumption of inputs, resources, generation of solid waste, among others.
  • The Annual Environmental Report must be signed by the person in charge of internal management (internal auditor), as well as by the company's legal representative.


We trust that this information will be useful to you and your company. Do not hesitate to contact us should you require advice.