On 10 March 2021, Supreme Decree No. 007-2021-VIVIENDA was published in the Official Gazette "El Peruano," and set the deadline for the submission of co-financed unsolicited proposals on sanitation investment projects.
In this regard, within the framework of the National Sanitation Policy and in response to the strategy contained in the Multiannual Report on Investments in Public-Private Partnerships (P3) — (IMIAPP 2020-2022 in Spanish) to contribute to closing the gaps in coverage and quality of sanitation services in the country through the P3 mechanism — the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation has signed agreements with several provincial municipalities that have delegated their specific shared functions and municipal competences in sanitation matters to the ministry, so that it may grant sanitation investment projects to the private sector, within the scope of their jurisdictions, under the P3 modality.
The regulation establishes the details of the intervention needs (those identified in the respective jurisdictions) and establishes a term of 30 working days after the expiration of the three month-term as of 10 March, for the presentation of the cofinanced unsolicited proposal investment projects for sanitation services in the urban area of the following provinces:
Deadline for submission
In view of the above, the deadline for the submission of co-financed unsolicited proposals is the third week of July 2021.
It should be noted that this regulation is added to the portfolio of projects presented by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation to be developed by the private sector through the Works for Taxes mechanism, which includes water and sanitation and urban infrastructure projects in Ancash, Amazonas, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huanuco, Junin, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Lima, Loreto, San Martin, Piura and Tumbes.
Briefly, regarding co-financed unsolicited proposals, it must be noted that these are mechanisms through which the private sector presents projects for the development of P3s. They are presented by national or foreign legal entities, by consortiums of companies or natural persons with national or foreign legal entities. They also have the character of a "petition of grace" until the corresponding selection process is convened. This means that the right of the proponent ends with the presentation of the unsolicited proposal, not having the possibility of questioning or challenging the pronouncement of the agency.
Regarding the expected schedule for the development of the proposals that have been requested, find below the approximately timeline for the procedure:
For more information, please access here.