On April 17, 2020, the Government called for a Public Bid in order to grant the 30-year concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the 220/60 kV Chincha Nueva and Nazca Nueva Substations ("the Projects"), to be located in Ica.
The Projects will be part of the Complementary Transmission System, thus, the concessionaire's income will be included in the tariff to be paid by the demand exclusively attended by the facilities.
The investment amounts of the Projects are the following:
The competition factor will be the lowest Total Service Cost. The Total Service Cost is comprised by the sum of the Annual Investment Cost, plus the Annual Cost of Operation and Maintenance of the Projects.
The awardee will be able to benefit from the execution of legal stability agreements, as well as the early recovery of the VAT, among other benefits.
ProInversion expects to award the Projects on October 30, 2020.